group norm exercise
Form Groups of 4
Select topic (1) dogs, (2) household pollution, (3) neighborhood parking, (4) ski safety, (5) stealing friend's boy/girlfriends, (6) noise (apartments, restaurants, beaches, camping), (7) sanitary behavior — flushing toilets, washing hands, etc.
Answer questions
- Who are the players? Who behaves, who is affected by the behavior, who is audience, who are relevant third parties?
- Identify levels of this behavior that can be characterized as “extra good,” “ordinary,” and “bad”? Where do you think society’s cutoffs between "acceptable" and "unacceptable" are? Note : not your personal standards, but rather, “society's.”
- In what community is the behavior embedded? Is community close knit? Can people mutually monitor? How does information about the behavior move around?
- Any substantive rules?
- Remedial rules?
- What sorts of sanctions are used? Rewards? Punishments?