PPOL225 Skill Inventory
What to Bring and What You Can Expect to Take Away
- Basic algebra/geometry: simplifying equations, solving for unknowns, equation for lines, graphing inequalities
- Probability
- Beginner level familiarity with Excel and Word
- A sense of policy science and policy problems
- Mental flexibility associated with model thinking
- High level Excel skills, word processing skills for visualization/presentation
- Step-wise refinement approach to problem solving
- Repertoire of 5-7 fundamental models from among diagrams, decision trees, stock and flow/causal loop, linear programming, difference equations, Markov processes, peer/neighbor effect models, diffusion, cellular automata, cost benefit analysis.
- Cognitive tool kit that includes back-of-the-envelope calculations, sensitivity analysis, systems thinking, probabilistic thinking.
What is a Model? What is Simulation?
Word Skills
Flow Chart Skills
Decision Trees
* choice/chance
- exhaustive/mutually exclusive
- folding-back
- imperfect tests
- risk-aversion
- the value of information
- utility theory
Charts, Tables, and Diagrams
CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis
Discounting Skills List
Randomness and Monte Carlo Simulation
Stock & Flow Models
Project Management
Markov Models
Last was mm06 |