Resources Into Syllabus
Week 1: Welcome and Intro
- Wujec slides
- Wujec [TED video]
- Wujec Instructions
- Brown,T.(2008).“Design Thinking”, Harvard Business Review, p. 84–92.
- Thomsen, Dave. 2013 " Why Human-Centered Design Matters." Wired
- Leading Questions
- Shopping Cart story (or Vimeo)
- Kelley Interview
- DevExplains: What is human-centered design — and why does it matter? (3:18)
- Grameen Foundation Human Centered Design
- Grant Young: Design Thinking for Social Innovation (9:55)
- Human Centered Design for Social Innovation (2:45)
- Tim Brown urges designers to think big (16:47)
- Tom Hulme & OpenIDEO: Designing for social good (4:58)
- Visual Phone
- Drawing Telephone: A Classroom Game
- IDEO/Acumen. "What is Human Centered Design?"
- Thomsen, Dave. "Why Human-Centered Design Matters." Wired Magazine
Week 2: Empathy, Research, and Documentation: Finding Out About Humans
- Stanford d School. The Wallet Project
- Ackermann, Rebecca. 2016. "Users are such babies. What a 10-month-old taught me about product design."
- Biller, Gabriel & Kristy Scovel. 2008. Getting People to Talk video 33:14
Week 3: From Observations to Ideation
- Stanford dschool Rules of Brainstorming
- Wikipedia Editors. "deBono's Six Thinking Hats"
- de Bono Consulting. "Six Thinking Hats" (click through and read about each hat)
- Wikipedia Editors. "Lateral Thinking"
- de Bono. Lateral Thinking
- Find Themes
- How Might We
- Download
- Design Principles
- Generate New Ideas
How Might We
- DesignKit "How Might We"
- Stanford HCI Group. "Method: How Might We Questions"
- Stanford How Might We Questions
- Public Media Interaction Design How Might We
- Berger, Warren. 2012 The Secret Phrase Top Innovators Use Harvard Business Review
- Northwestern Coursera Video. Generating How Might We (HMW) Questions from Insights
- Segal, David. 2010. "In Pursuit of the Perfect Brainstorm," New York Times Magazine Dec 16.
- OpenIDEO. 2011. "Seven Tips on Better Brainstorming"
- Dartmouth Thayer School of Engineering. 2012. "IDEO Workshop Part Three: Brainstorm (18:58)
Week 4: Prototyping
- Bret Victor - Inventing on Principle
- DesignShack. 2015. "How & Why Prototypes Are Mandatory for Good Design."
- Houde, Stephanie and Charles Hill 1997. "What do Prototypes Prototype?."
- Stanford HCI. "Why Prototype?" (slide deck)
- Victor, Bret. "Inventing on Principle." (54:19)
- McElroy Kathryn. 2017. "Four steps to making a minimum viable prototype"
- IDEO. "Prototype" (see pp. 10-19)
- OpenIDEO. 2013. "Tips and Tricks to Run an Effective Prototype"
- Aycan, David and Paolo Lorenzoni. 2014. "The Future of Prototyping Is Now Live" HBR
Week 5: Testing and Iterating
Week 6: Team Projects - Getting Started
- Wong, Alison. 2004. The Product Design Process: A Graphic Novel
- Camillus, John C. 2008. "Strategy as a Wicked Problem" Harvard Business Review
- Kolko, John. 2012. "Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving" Stanford Social Innovation Review Mar. 6, 2012
- WikipediaWicked Problems
Week 7: Into the Field and Back Again
Week 8: MVP, Real Users, and Iteration
Week 9: Iterate, Iterate, Iterate
Week 10: Pitch and Catch
- Anders0n, Chris. TED's secret to great public speaking (7:50)
- Martinuzzi, Bruna. "12 Easy Steps to a Perfect Pitch"
- Kawasaki, Guy. "The Only 10 Slides You Need in Your Pitch"
- Kawasaki, Guy. "Guy Kawasaki 10 20 30 Rule" (~4:00)
- Elsbach, E. 2003. “How to Pitch a Brilliant Idea.” HBR
- Kawasaki, G. "The Only Ten Slides You Need in Your Pitch"
- Kawasaki, G. "The 10:20:30 pitch rule" (2:37)
- OSU Women in Tech. "Storyboarding"
- Anderson, Chris. 2013. "How to Give a Killer Presentation." HBR
Week 11: Pitch and Catch
Week 12: Preparing for Presentations and Finals
- Lockwood, Thomas. 2016. "6 Key Ways Design Thinkers Approach Problems How design thinkers think.
- Norman, Donald A. 2005. "Human-Centered Design Considered Harmful." interactions / july + august 2005
Topics Education
- Wikipedia on Higher Education in the US
- King, Gary and Maya Sen. 2013. "The Troubled Future of Colleges and Universities." PS January 2013 83-89
- Todd Hixon Higher Education is Now Ground Zero for Disruption Forbes JAN 6, 2014
- Clayton Christensen. Improving Higher Education Through Disruption
- Rob Abel What is Disruptive Innovation in Education?
- Dan Ryan The Ed Tech Tail Wags the Ed Dog
- Clayton M. Christensen, Michael B. Horn. "Student Centric Educational Technology"
- Education Design Lab "College Presidents & Students Turn to Design Thinking" Apr 2, 2015
- Critical Thinking Video NCSU
- Syllabus and Spacing it Out
- Plato on higher education: Republic, Laws. Education as moral responsibility. Socratic method. Stages of education."This is a model for what we now describe as lifelong education (indeed, some nineteenth century German writers described Plato’s scheme as ‘andragogy’). It is also a model of the ‘learning society’ – the polis is serviced by educators."(
- Plato on education :
- Wired four Smart Proposals 2014
- Sener, John. "Book Review of 'Disrupting Class' by Clayton M. Christensen, Michael B. Horn, and Curtis W. Johnson
- Miller, Peter N. Is 'Design Thinking' the New Liberal Arts? Chronicle of Higher Education Review March 26, 2015
- Miller, Richard K. and Benjamin LinderIs Design Thinking the New Liberal Arts of Education?"
- Colleges Without Grades
- "Learning by Contract" at New College
- Evergreen
- Hampshire
- Becker's "modest proposal"
- Bard's early college
- MOOCs (Coursera
- EdX)
- Minerva
- Flipped classrooms
- Open Educational Resources
- Classrooms of the future
- Problem-Based Learning
- The Block Plan at Colorado College
- Wikiversity
- Degree Qualification Profiles (see also Lumina Foundation)
- The Bologna Process
- St. John's College
- Eric Mazur on interactive teaching
- 4 Radical Ideas for Reinventing College, Drawn From Stanford Research Wired
- Ryan. 2015. "Smash the Semester" (or
- Design Thinking for Educators video (3:02)
- Inside Higher Ed Digital Overtakes Print
- Knowledge@Wharton. 2015. "A Glimpse of the Future: The ‘Oscars of Innovation in Higher Education’"
- Straumsheim, Carl. 2016. Contours of a New Discipline: Conference at Georgetown U discusses how to train future ed-tech leaders and whether creating a new discipline is the answer. Inside Higher Education May 16, 2016
- Urback, Stuart John. 2011. "Design thinking and the liberal arts malaise" The Carletonian November 4, 2011
- Wharton School A Glimpse of the Future: The ‘Oscars of Innovation in Higher Education’
- 3 Common Mistakes
- North Dakota Information Technology Department Form Design Principles
- Jarrett, Caroline and Gerry Gaffney Forms that Work: Designing Web Forms for Usability.
- C.R.A.P. (view video or read here or here)
- Design Better Forms
- You might also want to learn about the grid
- and maybe meet Ed Tufte
- Innovation: The Future of Legal Services (5:36) (see also here)
- Thomson Reuters Legal UK & Ireland Legal Debate Series - 07 AI will fail to have a radical impact on the legal profession
- Get a little background. For example:
- Read Wikipedia on Law, especially 1Definition, 2 History, 3 Legal theory (Philosophy, Positive law and non-positive law discussions, Economic analysis), 4 Legal systems
- World Justice Project. 2016. Rule of Law Index, pp. 4-5, 9-17.
- Hadfield, G. 2017. Rules for a Flat World, pp 83-90, 281-298
- Text chapter. What is Law? (UK)
- Northwestern Law School. Introduction to American Legal System
- Centre for Justice Innovation (UK), Center for Court Innovation, HIIL,
- Muller, Sam. 2016. We need a wave of justice innovation in 2017"
- Sam Muller and Maurits Barendrecht The Justice Innovation Approach: How Justice Sector Leaders in DevelopmentContexts Can Promote Innovation. The World Bank Legal Review Published: December 2012 Pages: 17 - 28
- Legal Geek
- Canadian Forum on Civil Justice. Creating the Conditions for Justice Innovation: How (NOT) to Solve Complex Problems
- Legal Disruption, Finally: tools4legal Tells Their Story Re-engineering legal workflows within corporate environment.
- ArtificialLawyer
- UK Legal Technology Blog
- Avvoka "google docs for contracts"
- For Law Students with a Startup Streak Cornell is an Island unto Itself
- (2011) Goal is to build a movement of grassroots legal advocates worldwide.
- Harvard Business Review. 2013. HBR's 10 Must Reads: Innovation. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press.
- Astro Teller on Innovation at Singularity University (2011?)
- Forms
- Astro Teller's talk "Innovation in Organizations"
- Where is the pain? Where is the gain?
- Martin, Roger L. 2011. The Innovation Catalysts
- Stop the Innovation Wars
- The Customer-Centered Innovation Map
- Is It Real? Can We Win? Is It Worth Doing?
- Buchanan, Richard. 1992. "Wicked Problems in Design Thinking." Design Issues, Vol. 8, No. 2, (Spring, 1992), pp. 5-21
- Chambliss, "Mundanity of Excellence"
- Day, George S. 2007. "Is It Real? Can We Win? Is It Worth Doing?" pp. 59-81 in HBR's 10 Must Reads On Innovation. (Reading Notes)
- Lepore, Jill. 2014. The Disruption Machine: What the gospel of innovation gets wrong. The New Yorker, June 23, 2014.
- Rittel, Horst W. J. and Melvin M. Webber. 1973. "Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning" Policy Sciences 4, 155-169.
- Business Planning for Enduring Social Impact
- Saltzer, J. H. and M. F.Kaashoek. 2009. Principles of Computer System Design: An Introduction. Morgan Kaufmann.
- Sarasvathy, "What makes entrepreneurs entrepreneurial?"
- review questions - distinguish managerial, strategic, effectual. what is definition of effectual?