Computational Thinking Fall 2018
Pattern Recognition
Basic Course Concepts
The goal of this course is to equip the student with certain styles and habits of thought as a set of skills AND to provide a sense of how much one knows and how much one would need to know of what in order to proceed further in various areas related to computational work.
- Reprise abstraction | decomposition | pattern recognition | algorithm multiple times throughout the course at different scales (sometimes concentrating an entire class on one of these, sometimes all four illustrated or practiced in a single example or activity). Perhaps only formally present them at the end of the course.
- I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand.
- Ever class session follows same ritual of review, motivate, introduce, practice, project
- There will be an explicit inventory of skills and concepts
- At every stage examples and applications from many fields
Relation to programming. Relation to computer science. Relation to computer literacy.
Course begins with final exam and intake questionnaire.
And a poster of diagrams.
Finish with exam and one page posters.
NOT computer literacy and not computer science.
Denning’s Great Principles of Computing break down into seven categories: computation, communication, coordination, recollection, automation, evaluation, and design. (Report of a Workshop on The Scope and Nature of Computational Thinking pg. 29)
Activities And Problems
- 9. 1D CA in Excel
- 3. Abstraction and Cartography
- 1. Assessing An Algorithm
- 12. Build a 7-segment Controller in Excel
- 5. Classroom Neural Net
- 10. Counting by Cards
- 15. DIY Ngrams
- 7. Find the Right Map
- 8. Fixing the Phone Tree
- 14. Forms as APIs for Organizations
- 9. Frustration Solitaire
- 7. Fun With Watches and Clocks
- 4. How to Plan a Dinner Party
- 5. How to Use the (paper) Dictionary
- 10. Knitting Algorithms
- 17. Place Holder Activity
- 14. Place Holder Problem
- 2. Planning a Canoe Trip
- 13. Play Mastermind (Bulls and Cows)
- 11. Reverse Engineering a Music Box
- 4. Reverse Mad Libs
- 6. Sequential vs. Parallel Programming
- 13. Talking Sudoku for Two
- 12. The Fox, the Corn, and the Goose
- 8. Three Person Robot Simulation
- 16. Turn Your Biography into a Data Structure
- 6. Word Ladders and Graph Theory
- 11. Write Code for Turtle Graphics
- Analogies to Switches
- Another Attempt at Basic Idea Taxonomy
- Automation
- Bibliography
- Conceptualize CT in terms of Activities and Outcomes
- Counting and Probability
- Digital Humanities Taster
- Examples and Such
- 13. 1-D CA in Excel
- 5. Abstraction - Making a Map
- 1. Assessing a Sorting Algorithm
- 11. Find the Right Map
- 14. Fixing the phone tree
- 15. Frustration Solitaire
- 10. Fun with watches and clocks
- 2. How to go on a three day canoe trip
- 6. How to throw a dinner party
- 4. Neural net in the classroom
- 16. Playing Cards Number System
- 3. Reverse Mad-Libs
- 7. Sequential vs. Parallel Programming
- 12. Three Person Robot Simulation
- 8. Using the Dictionary
- 9. Word Ladders and Graph Theory
- Extending the Idea of Interface
- Final Exam 1
- Flow Charts
- From Text to Data
- Fun with Cards
- Hand Algorithms
- Ideas from Quantum Progress
- Images
- INF1339 Introduction to Computational Thinking
- Instructor Workspace
- Knitting
- Languages
- Layers
- Learn to Count
- Lectures And Workshops
- Legal Doc as Example
- Logic and Boolean Algebra
- Machines
- Naming Conventions
- Navigation and Optimization
- Netlogo101
- New Ideas
- Notes
- Other Disciplines
- Outcomes
- Playing with Digital Design
- Pointers, Trees, and Graphs
- Problems
- Put Knitting into Iteration Module
- Quotes
- Recurring Concepts (after St. Olaf College)
- Bhargava, Grokking Algorithms
- Burchheit, The Technology
- Denning, The Great Principles of Computing
- Erwig, Once Upon an Algorithm
- Evans, Introduction to Computing
- Felleisen, How to Design Programs
- Filho, Algorithms
- Filho, Basics
- Filho, Complexity
- Filho, Computers
- Filho, Computer Science Distilled
- Filho, Counting
- Filho, Data
- Filho, Iteration
- Filho, Logic
- Filho, Probability
- Filho, Programming
- Filho, Strategy
- Generic Resource
- Guitar Tutor Online, Repeat Signs
- InterviewCake, Data Structures for Coding Interviews
- Petzold, CODE
- Riley & Hunt, Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver
- Twain, Reading the River
- Wikipedia, Karnaugh Map
- Wikipedia, Logic Optimization
- Wikipedia, Postal Codes
- Wikipedia, Postal Codes
- Wing, Computational Thinking
- xCurzon, Computing without Computers
- xMiley, This College Professor Teaches Her Students Advanced Math Through Knitting
- xSpraul, Think Like a Programmer
- xSt. Olaf College, List of Computer Principles
- xWintergatan, How To Program a Music Box
- Scripting Clerical Tasks
- Sessions
- Solving Problems with Finesse
- Sorting and Searching
- Syllabi
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Syllabus Tools
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- Welcome and Course Intro
- Wing Talk Notes
- Wrap Up
Tag Page With: | abstraction | AI/ML | algorithms | big data | brainstorming | creative listening | data structures | decomposition | design | d3 | everyday life | feedback | higher-ed | innovation | law | liberal arts | logic | Major 21| making | math | models | music | notification book | opinion | pattern recognition | probability | prototyping | rhetoric | soc-of-info | social media | teaching | technology
Course tags: | Computational Thinking | Human Centered Design | Request for Library |
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