If you optimize everything, you will always be unhappy.
- Donald Knuth

Linear Programing and Optimization

With decision trees we learned how we can make the best choice among alternatives. But what about when we need to choose a best combination of things to accomplish our objectives?

Class 1 Math prereqs, basic concepts, graphing (Slides: PDF, PPTX, KEY, class handout)


  1. Stokey & Zeckhauser, Ch.11, "Linear Programming" 177-188
  2. Ryan: Math Prereqs for LP
  3. Ryan: Linear Programming I
  4. Problems 219 220 221 223 224


Class 2 Shadow Prices and Sensitivity Analysis

(Slides: PDF, PPTX, KEY)

  1. Stokey &Zeckhauser, Ch.11, "Linear Programming," pp. 188-200
  2. Excel Easy: Solver Tutorial
  3. Problems 327 226 227 228 229 230 231


Lab Using Solver with Excel

  1. Excel Easy: Solver Tutorial

Lab Instructions

Class 3 Intermediate Considerations


  1. TBA
  2. Problems tba


Class 4 Issues and Caveats


  1. Workshop
  2. Problems


Lab More with Solver

Lab Instructions



See also

Portfolio Checklist

W8.1 Workshop Problems 219 220 221
W8.2 Workshop Problems 327 226 227 228 229 230 231
W8.3 Lab 1
W9.1 Workshop Problems
W9.2 Workshop Problems
W9.3 Lab 2