Page Tree
Social Network Analysis Spring 2012
All SOC180 Problems
- 0025 (Organizational Chart in NodeXL)
- 0026 (Sketch directed network)
- 0027 (Bibliographic and co-citation networks)
- 0028 (Density)
- 0029 (Vertices and Edges)
- 0030 (Intro Review Questions)
- 0031 (Social media 101)
- 0032 (NodeXL 101 review)
- 0033 (Gephi practice problems)
- 0034 (Edgelist and nodelist)
- 0035 (Name generator field data)
- 0036
- 0037 (Centrality)
- 0038 (Homophily)
- 0039 (Cohesive subgroups)
- 0040 (Structural equivalence)
- 0041 (First day problems)
- 0042 (Data Collection Problems)
- 0046 (Yasiv)
- 0047 (NodeXL Practice)
- 0048 (Network Data Problem)
- 0049 (Converting 2 mode data into 1 mode data)
- 0050
- 0051 (Transposing a Matrix)
- 0052 (Matrix Multiplication)
- 0053
- 0054
- 0055 (Compute degree from Adjacency Matrix)
- 0056 (Facebook Network Project)
- 0057
- 0058
- 0059 (Types of Flow)
- 0060
- 0063 (Diffusion)
- 0064 (Interlocking Directorates)
- 0067
- 0068
- Books
- cognitive-networks
- Course Work Upcoming
- Daily Agendas
- diagonal matrix
- did I miss anything
- Digital Reference Library
- Exercises
- gephi-basic-strategy
- gephi Ranking
- Gephi -- Spline
- graph-theory-one-page
- howto:analyze groups in nodexl
Lecture Notes
- Diffusion
- Eigenvector Centrality
- Excel Refresher
- Groups, clusters, cliques, and clubs
- Homophily
- Introduction to Gephi
- Layout Algorithms
- Math of Networks I
- Network Data
- Networks and Disease
- Networks and Social Movements
- Networks are Everywhere
- Node Metrics I - Centrality
- Nodes and Edges
- Organizations
- Positions, Equivalence, and Roles
- social media
- matrix
- Miscellaneous Resources
- networks and creativity
- occupyresearchhackathon
- OR-hackathon-20120323
- places to keep an eye on
- Reading Summaries
- scratch-2012
- soc180:glossary
- Social Network Analysis
- Syllabus
All SOC180 Problems