Sigalon's Visualization Soup
Graph Layout
- How journalists can use JSON to draw meaning from data by Dan Nguyen Published Mar. 12, 2012
- Analyzing Social Networks on Twitter video lecture Maksim Tsvetovat via O'Reilly Media
Why "Atlas"?
I have found some tracks in the freshly fallen snow : apparently, in at least one context, ATLAS stands for Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software ( — it’s a package of software routines for doing linear algebra: “ATLAS's purpose is to provide portably optimal linear algebra software.” – I’m guessing it’s the muscle behind the layout algorithm.
Reference found in “Graph Drawing by Stress Majorization” Emden R. Gansner, Yehuda Koren and Stephen North (
- Historical Networks Network
- Modeling Users' Activity on Twitter Networks: Validation of Dunbar's Number
- Online social network size is reflected in human brain structure
- Social Network Size Affects Neural Circuits in Macaques
- Feld, Scott L. (1991), "Why your friends have more friends than you do," American Journal of Sociology 96 (6): 1464-1477
- Amina Khan. Tanzania's Hadza group sheds light on ancient social networks." Los Angeles Times January 25 2012
- Long before Facebook made it possible to share photos of your breakfast with hundreds of friends and let them know just how you feel about your latest parking ticket, humans were forming social networks with essentially the same structure people use today.
Larry Kerschberg INFS 797 - Social Networks at GMU
Borgatti Shortcourse Syllabus and Exercise Schedule
Borgatti Management Course
Knoke materials at UMN
Hanneman materials (includes textbook) at UCR; Syllabus for undergraduate course
Doug White's list of SNA syllabi
Lazer Syllabus at KSG
Moody syllabus at Duke
Reading to be assigned
Privacy and Social Networks (Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada)
An intro to social network analysis for natural resource management (4:30)
Mehl, M. R. Quantitative Text Analysis
Jennifer Attride-Stirlin "Thematic networks: an analytic tool for qualitative research"
Make a graph of a website
Radiolab Emergence
TBOOK Cyberspying (14:07)
TBOOK Colin Thubron on "Shadow of the Silk Road" One of the original global networks.
Videos and Images
Class Notes and Such
Excellent set of note cards on graph theory.
Computer Science, Spring 2008 CS249B “Science of Networks” at Wellesley College