Natural & Physical Time Characteristics:

  • moves forward, unidirectional unit
    • the sun rises then sets
  • linearity - every minute is the same as any other
  • infinitely divisible
  • same for everyone, impersonal, trans-historical, etc.

How do we use time?
Subjective Experience of Time?

  • What is it like to live in time?

Shutz - Musical Communication

  • Everyone has internal clocks.
  • When playing music everyone's clocks are synchronized
    • ex)string quartet, good sex, good intellectual conversation
  • Time is intertwined when spent with people.
    • When synchronized - you're growing old together
    • Different intensity when done alone.
    • Your focus is connected with someone else's focus.
  • Time is conciousness attending to… then… etc.
  • Transition of "us-ness" to "we-ness"'

Social construction categories of time.

  • Sequence - relationship of before and after.
  • Pace - ex)things can move at different speeds
  • Duration - how long something lasts
  • Rhythm - Week as the only totally social temporal invention -
    • cultures have a mission for a day of rest
    • marked as different (sacred)
  • Cycles - ex)seasons, semesters, etc.
    • Periods/Phases - where does the cycle start?
  • Time as Territory - ex)Night is a temporal territory for sleep.
    • ex)12:00 pm-1:00 pm is lunch time (meal times)

Notes posted by: Natasha Munguia