Projects 2013
Oakland before 1900 (YB) 1900 and 1910 Census (BM) 1920 & 1930 (CM)
Evolution of roads and Freeways (NM) The Oakland Street Car System (SC) Oakland, Transit, and GIS (JK)
1940 Census 1950 Census 1960 Census
Mills campus 1870-present (HM) Maps and Fires (PT) California Counties (JN)
Millsmont District Spanish Spoken at Home Census 1990, 2000, 2010 (JL) 1970 Census
Mills Campus Flora (MT) Mills Campus Fauna Mills Admissions Mapping (KD)
Earthquakes (ZB) Hydrology of Mills Campus (AW) Mapping Food and Shopping (AG)


  1. (Week 9) One-two page report of initial investigation. What's up? Where might there be data? Find at least one map.
  2. (Week 10) (1) Revision of part one (especially proper referencing). (2) Look over wiki pages on project. How can we collaborate? (3) Describe boundary files you would like to have and data layers you can imagine having. (4) Progress report since last time: billable hours. What time did you spend doing what and what did this produce?
  3. Obtain a dataset or an image that you will digitize. Propose an initial target map. Make progress and document. These instructions to be modified, mutatis mutandis, for various project topics.

See Also

Frequently Asked Questions
Projects 2011