Second Exam
Review: Coloring a Map
- Open US Counties layer, tl_2010_us_county10, in the geodatabase 2010-TIGER-Boundaries.gdb.
- Zoom so the continental US fills the dataview
- Examine the attribute table to determine what field seems to identify the state for each country polygon
- Use symbology to make this into a map in which each state is differently colored.
Labels (7)
- How does text added to a map differ from a label? (176)
- What is the difference between "dynamic labeling" and an annotation? (176)
- Open a new map and add Countries from Exercise 3, zoom to Europe and turn labels on.
- Change the appearance of the labels so they are a middle grey 50% and 12 point font.
- Set the labels so they do NOT appear if you zoom in more than the current scale. Zoom in and out to demonstrate.
- Turn automatic labels off.
- Use New Text tool on the Draw menu to add text for the Mediterranean Sea south of France and west of Italy and the North See between Britain and Scandinavia. Change the style of this label to "Ocean."
- Use the label tool on the draw menu to custom label France, Germany, and Italy. Change the styles of these labels to be a grey text with a little shadow.
Joins and Relates (9)
- What is the difference between a join and a relate?
- What is the difference between one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one relationships of data tables?
- Open a blank map and add countries from Exercise 3.
- Add the "Data" worksheet from the data table HigherEducationData2002 (data source: NSF) in the Exam02 folder.
- Examine both data files. How many countries in the geographic layer? How many in the education data table?
- What field names contain country names in the two files?
- Do a join between them using these fields. Keep only records that match (so that we can track how many do match).
- What would you suggest as the next step if you were trying to create this as a research data set?
- Add a fresh copy of countries to the map, color its polygons light grey with no borders and move it to the bottom.
- Make a shade by quantity map of the data using the field that gives ratio of first university degrees to size of 24 year old population.
Building geodatabases
- Use ArcCatalog to create a new Geodatabase in your folder inside the Exam02 folder. Call it ExamData
- Import the feature class tl_2010_06001_tract10 from geodatabase 2010-TIGER-boundaries (DJJR>BayArea) into your geodatabase — name it AlamedaCountyTracts2010.
- Create a new feature class in the geodatabase called BIGPOLYGONS
- Use WGS1984 as projection
- Add a field, "COLOR," to the new feature class in the geodatabase
- Create a domain with values "RED," "BLUE," and "YELLOW" for the field in the geodatabase
- Edit the new layer and draw several large polygons in the European region.
- Go to the attribute table and select value for their color field.
- Use category symbology to color them different colors.
Creating features
Draws on Exercise 15a Drawing features, Exercise 15b Using feature construction tools, and Chapter 16: Editing features and attributes
- Open a polygon label containing parcels and get it ready for editing
- Use the editing tool bar to create a new parcel
- Access the “snapping” tools to create a parcel that isn’t perfectly rectangular
- Find the new polygon in the attribute table
- How could you create a polygon with a different tool?
- Feature Tools: Show how to use the autocomplete polygon task to digitize feature that will share boundary with existing feature
- How could you do this a different way
- Edit existing feature: Split this parcel into two polygons and update attribute values
Editing Geographic Data
Based on Exercise 16a Deleting and modifying features
- Open exercise 16A (Be sure to first copy onto desktop, then open it up in ArchMap from desktop)
- Zoom into an area on the parcels map
- Select and delete two adjacent parcels
- Select two other adjacent parcels to merge
- Select a parcel and divide it into two parcels using the editing toolbar
- Change the new parcels ID to your favorite number
- Under editing toolbar, turn on snapping tool bar first, then activate vertex option
- Change a parcel's border using its vertices
- Select a shared vertex and shift it outwards
Geocoding addresses
- Open DJJR>BayArea>BasicOaklandGIS and add OAKCensus_Place and OAK_roads to your map.
- Open the dataset BusinessAddresses from your folder in the Exam folder and add the data worksheet.
- Examine the contents of the file — we are going to address code it.
- Create a new address locator in your geodatabase — dual address and use Oak_roads as your reference.
- Geocode the addresses in the data table.