Final Exam 2013


Q277. Explain these acronyms: CSV, UTM, JPEG

Q280. Explain these acronyms: NAD83, NAD27, OSGB

Q278. Explain these acronyms: PNG, TIF, geoTIF

Q282. Explain these acronyms: USGS, NOAA, NASA

Q279. Explain these acronyms: SQL, WMS, WGS84

Q261. Explain these acronyms: DMS, EPSG, CRS

Q281. Explain these acronyms: AAG, ABAG, BART

QGIS Skills

Q314. Show how to set snapping options to make vertex matching while drawing polygons by hand easier.

Q305. Open properties dialog for a vector layer and explain briefly what the Styles, Labels, Fields, Metadata, and Joins tabs are for.

Q309. Demonstrate that you know you way around the Print Composer.

Q312. Join a csv data file to a vector shape file.

Q287. Download this zip file, open the QGIS workspace inside, produce a map that looks like this:
and post it to a wiki page.

Q304. Open and explain attribute table. What are rows, what are columns? What do the controls along the bottom do? How do you sort rows? Change column width? Show only selected records? Select one or two rows and then reverse the selection.

Q313. Create a point layer by importing a CSV file containing geographic coordinates.

Q307. Find a color scheme using ColorBrewer and implement it on a polygon layer in QGIS.

Q311. Show that you know your way around how QGIS lets you create a new vector layer of polygons, points, or lines.

Q310. Show you know your way around the Georeferencer plugin in QGIS.

Q303. Show, in QGIS, how to select features individually and by radius, rectangle, etc.

Q308. Take a basic thematic map of Oakland, set up a print composer, and add graticule and customize annotations.

Q306. Create custom labels based on two fields for a polygon layer.

QGIS General

Q272. Explain/illustrate what these geoprocessing operations do: clip, intersection, union, difference, buffer, convex hull, symmetric difference.

Q266. What is interpolation and how do heat maps work?

California Geography

Q295. Locate these prominent California geographic features:

  • Cascade Mountains
  • Coastal Mountains
  • Colorado River
  • Kalamath Mountains
  • Mojave Desert
  • Sacramento River
  • Sacramento Valley
  • San Joaquin Valley
  • San Joaquin River
  • Sierra Nevada Mountains

Q292. Name these California counties.


Q274. Fill in the names of the "districts" in Oakland.


Q293. Identify the counties in the greater Bay Area.


Q294. Identify the counties in this band across northern California


Oakland Geography

Q274. Fill in the names of the "districts" in Oakland.



Q317. Match the name with the projection.
South Polar Azimuthal | Mercator | Albers Equal Area Conic | Mollweide | Lambert Conformal Conic | North Polar Azimuthal
albersequalareaconic0.png mercator0.png Mollweide0.png
northpolarazimuthal0.png southpolarazimuthal0.png lambertconformal0.png

Q271. With reference to cartography, explain what we mean by scale, resolution, simplification/abstraction, representation, point, line, area, volume

Q319. What does the indicatrix tell us about the Mollweide projection? Specifically, what do the red and black "12 o'clock" and "3 o'clock" lines mean?


Q263. Explain/illustrate the idea of 1+1=3.

Q289. What map is this and what is it "famous" for?


Q296. (1) Read this thematic map. (2) Offer a critique of its graphic design.

Q273. What kind of map is this:


Q291. What do we call this kind of map?

africapolitical.pngQ290. What kind of map is this and what is it used for?

Q269. Explain longitude, latitude, parallels, meridians

Q318. What does the indicatrix on this Fuller projection or "Dymaxion" map tell you about this projection (which projects the globe onto an icosohedron and then unfolds the solid figure)?


Q316. What is Tissot's Indicatrix and what is it used for?

Coordinate Reference Systems and Projections

Q299. What is the California CRS zone for Oakland and the Bay Area? What units is it in? What datum is it based on?

Q264. What is a datum?

Q298. Explain what's going on in this apparently distorted map


Q297. With reference to the figures below, describe what the California State Plane System is.


Q261. Explain these acronyms: DMS, EPSG, CRS

Web Mapping

Q284. What are "map tiles"? Where do we encounter them? How do they work?

Q276. Go to and edit a building structure in the neighborhood around Mills.

Q286. When using Leaflet to create a webmap, we use code like this:

var cloudmade = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{key}/{styleId}/256/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
            attribution: 'Map data © 2011 OpenStreetMap contributors, Imagery © 2011 CloudMade',
            key: 'BC9A493B41014CAABB98F0471D759707',
            styleId: 22677

to create the "attribution" on the map. What does this refer to? Why do we need to do it?

Q285. Name a few suppliers of map tiles.

Generic GIS Skills

Q288. How would you estimate the number of people who live within 500 meters of MacArthur Blvd in Oakland?

Q266. What is interpolation and how do heat maps work?

Q300. You have been hired as a consultant to estimate the effects of a new criminal offender registry law that prohibits individuals on the registry from living within 1000 meters of a school. You are asked to

  • Make a map showing all areas that are off-limits to registered offenders
  • Calculate about how much of the city's rental market is off-limits to registered offenders based on this law.

You have

  • a point layer with school locations
  • a street layer
  • a census blockgroup layer with information on number of rental units (or at least renter occupied units as of the last census)

Q272. Explain/illustrate what these geoprocessing operations do: clip, intersection, union, difference, buffer, convex hull, symmetric difference.

All Other Problems

Q320. Explain this diagram:


Q265. Identify graphical elements of a map: border, legend, scalebar, north arrow, author, date, projection, coordinates, data source, data date, title, body of map

(historical soc128)
Q315. Identify and describe. What does it show? Who made it? When was it made?


Q270. Describe and give examples of different types of maps: topographic, thematic, schematic, choropleth, isopleth, political, mental, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), political, physical, topographic, cadastral, climate, road, nautical charts, bathymetric chart, aeronautical chart

(analysis data soc128 visualization)
Q262. Explain the difference between equal interval, quantile, natural break, and standard deviation as classification methods If your data looked like this, and you have 5 class intervals, what would they be if you used each method?


Q282. Explain these acronyms: BG, CT, XML, CRAP

(disease epidemiology health historical soc128)
Q302. What is the significance of this map? What does it show? Who made it? When was it made?


Q268. Projections: explain the terms cylindrical, conical, azimuthal, conformal, equal-area in conjunction with map projections and coordinate systems

(data gis soc128)
Q267. What is a csvt file and why is it useful?

Q301. Explain what we mean by "taxi-cab distance."

Q275. What do the four digit numbers on this map of the Laurel District most likely represent?


  1. Prepare a downloaded Excel file for import into QGIS as a csv file for joining to a vector boundary file.
  2. Georeference an aerial photograph or raster map image.
  3. You have a vector layer that is currently in WGS84 but you want to convert it to California State Plane NAD California 83. How do you do it?
  4. Edit a Wiki page.
  5. Make a map with several layers, customize legend, layout professionally, export as graphics file, and post on a Wiki page.
  6. Update (with proper metadata) Open Street Map using the OSM interface.
  7. Print a map with Field Papers and update OSM.
  8. Given a boundary layer (shapefile) of California Counties and a csv file of county data, make a thematic map using two contrasting methods of grouping the data and discuss the pros and cons of them.
  9. Given a point layer of Oakland homicides, and population density by census tract or blockgroup, describe how you could estimate how many people live within, say, 1000 meters of a homicide.
  10. Export a QGIS map and insert it in a Word document and a PowerPoint presentation.

Learning Goals

To pass this course you must be able to

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of GIS, cartography, and computers vocabulary and concepts
  2. Demonstrate cartographic knowledge of the world, the US, California, and Oakland
  3. Use a map. Read a map. Interpret a map. Assess the quality of a map and make suggestions for improvement
  4. Find and obtain and manipulate geographic data and maps
  5. Use four map products to produce a requested map (including obtaining and preparing data). Make maps that use point, line, and polygon data
  6. Use maps to tell a data story.
Demonstrate knowledge of GIS, cartography, and computers vocabulary and concepts
  1. scale, resolution, simplification/abstraction, representation
  2. point, line, area, volume
  3. types of maps: topographic, thematic, schematic, choropleth, isopleth, political, mental maps, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), Political Map, Physical Map, Topographic Map, Climate Map, Economic or Resource Map, Road Map, Thematic Map, star charts, nautical charts, bathymetric chart, aeronautical chart, cadastral map, plat, isochrone map, topological map
  4. important maps: Sanborn, London Underground, Peters Projection, Booth map of London poverty (1885), Snow's cholera map (1854)
  5. Longitude, latitude, parallels, meridians
  6. Projections: cylindrical, conical, azimuthal; conformal, equal-area; shape, area, distance, direction; datum, false northing/easting
  7. Visual variables: color, intensity, texture, size, contrast, hierarchy,
  8. 1+1=3: optical illusions, texture vibration, unintended information
  9. graphical elements of a map: border, legend, scalebar, north arrow, author, date, projection, coordinates, data source, data date, title, body of map
  10. Information transformations: Data collection, Selection, Classification, Simplification, Exaggeration, Symbolization, Use of map
  11. triangulated irregular network (TIN), interpolation, heat maps,
  12. (
Demonstrate cartographic knowledge of the world, the US, California, and Oakland
Find and Obtain Geographic Data and Maps
  1. Oakland data sources and maps
  2. California data sources and maps
  3. US Census data and maps
  4. Open Street Map
  5. Google maps/earth, etc.
Use a map.  Read a map.  Interpret a map.  Assess the quality of a map and make suggestions for improvement
  1. Find one's way using a map.
  2. Orienting a map.
  3. Translate thematic map into alternative qualitative and quantitative descriptions
Use four map products to produce a requested map (including obtaining and preparing data).  Make maps that use point, line, and polygon data
  1. Make a map using Google maps, customize it, any tool export it as a picture, embed it in a web page, send link in an email
  2. Make athematic map using Social Explorer Contribute to OpenStreetMap
  3. Make a thematic map using QGIS
  4. Make a thematic map using ESRI online map server Leaflet and Javascript
Use maps to tell a data story.  
  1. In a Word document, a PowerPoint presentation, a video, a poster.  
  2. Write around maps.  
  3. Be honest with a map.  
  4. Move back and forth between other kinds of data visualization and a map.