
Instructor questions
Ryan, Dan
1) The overall quality of instruction was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

2) The quality of lectures or classroom presentation was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

3) The quality of class discussions was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

4) Course organization was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

5) Explanations by instructor were…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

6) Use of examples and illustrations was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

7) Instructor's enhancement of student interest in subject matter was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

8) Instructor's interest in the subject matter of the course was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

9) Instructor's availability for additional help was (Answer only if you’ve sought help during instructor’s office hrs.)…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

10) The fairness of the grading practices in this course was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

11) What has the instructor done especially well in the teaching of the course?

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12) The value of the course to me was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

13) The amount I learned in this course was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

14) The overall quality of this course was…

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable

15) I am taking this course

To satisfy a major requirement
To satisfy a minor requirement
To satisfy a distribution requirement
To satisfy the writing requirement
As an elective
For a reason not listed above

16) Compared to other courses I am taking at Mills, the amount of work for this course is

Very heavy Somewhat heavy About average Somewhat light Very light

17) Compared to other courses I am taking at Mills, the difficulty of the material in this course is

Much greater Somewhat greater About average Somewhat less Much less

18) Compared to other courses I am taking at Mills, the pace of this course is

Much faster Somewhat faster About average Somewhat slower Much slower

19) Is the size of this class satisfactory?

Yes, class size is satisfactory or irrelevant No, a smaller class would be preferable No, larger class would be preferable

20) Suggestions for improving the course?

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21) My class is


22) My expected grade in this course is

A B C D F P NP Other

23) My current G.P.A. is

4.0-3.5 3.5-3.0 3.0-2.5 2.5-2.0 2.0-1.5 1.5-1.0 Below 1.0 Does not apply

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24) Instructor held students to high standards [custom]

Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

25) Which number comes closest to your estimate of how many hours per week, on average, outside of class, you worked on this course? [custom]

Under 1 hour 1 to 2 hours 3 or 4 hours 5 or 6 hours more than 6 hours

26) I enjoyed coming to class [custom]

Strong Agree Agree Ambivalent Disagree Strongly Disagree

27) What has the instructor done especially well in the teaching of the course? [custom]

28) How well do you think this class positioned you to learn more about this topic in the future? [custom]

Extremely Very much Somewhat Only a little Not at all