Download Osm shapefiles In Qgis

Do you want to download Open Street Map layers in Quantum GIS?

1. you need to open QGIS. At the top of the page, you have to go to Vector > OpenStreetMap > Download data.

2. Once you select download data, there will be a pop up window called Download OpenStreetMap Data with some text fields. These text fields are for you to manually input into. You can obtain these coordinates from OSM. After inputting those coordinates, you should click on the box with ellipses under Output Files to select your desired output area.

3. Then, click on "Ok" and a box with "Download has been successful".

4. Next, you should click on "Add a Vector layer" and find the OSM shape file.

5. Once you select that OSM shape file, there will be a pop up box asking you which files or layers you would like to integrate into QGIS. Note: OSM files come with lines, polygons, roads and other data; thus, you must select the data that you need instead of selecting all of them since having too many data loading simultaneously will crash or slow down QGIS.

6. Upon selecting your layer/s, you should Right click and "Zoom to layer extent" so that you can holistically see your shape file.