Credit Activities

NOTE: These activities relate to your "participation" grade.

  1. What is GIS? Review readings and videos
  2. Intro to GIS Workshop
  3. Read through Beginner's Guide on the Learning OSM site. Just read the sections that include instructions for doing things.
  4. Sign up for OSM account
  5. The software described as "Walking Papers" has been superseded by "Field Papers." You should create a Field Papers account here.
  6. Identify a place where you have access to a scanner or practice taking a photo of your map and emailing it to yourself and saving it as JPG, GIF, TIF, or PNG.
  7. Take the Field Papers map you were given on the first day of class and make hand additions of at least ten features. If you are feeling adventurous you can do the Field Papers exercise and use an atlas that you create for an area of particular interest to you.
  8. Set up a Dropbox account if you do not already have one. Invite me (ude.sllim|nayrnad#ude.sllim|nayrnad) to share your soc128 folder.
  9. Learn how to use scanner in Stern 14
  10. Learn about different image file formats (GIF, JPG, TIF, PDF, PNG).
  11. Learn how to take a screenshot, edit and save using the system/machine you usually use.
  12. Edit your OSM profile
  13. Take your FieldPapers map into the field and add at least five features.
  14. Practice zooming and centering in ID
  15. Go to Mills Campus in OSM. Switch to Edit Mode. Scan the map and look for errors or missing features. Note what they are. Click on any building footprint and note the change in appearance when the feature becomes active. Hover over the tool options to understand what the options are. Look at the Edit Feature panel on the left. Is the type of this feature correct? If not, fix it. Is the name of the feature correct? If not, fix it. What about the other attributes? Is it wheel-chair accessible? Does it have a web page? Are there other tags it should have? Make the necessary changes and then save them. If you are on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+, share your activity.
  16. Next, zoom out a bit and then pan north west until you have the Laurel district in the frame (MacArthur Blvd between High Street and 35th Avenue). You will be assigned one block along this strip. Your first task will be to edit in the ID editor adding building footprints for the buildings along MacArthur Boulevard.
West East
1 2
3 4
Loma Vista
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14
15 16
  1. Log into to your Field Papers account and navigate to the Laurel District in Oakland. Zoom and pan until you have your block centered in the frame at the smallest scale the software will permit. Create an Atlas (be sure to add UTM grid lines and use the full page version) in PDF form, save it and print it. On the Atlas, trace the footprints of the rest of the buildings using a dark pen. Scan the drawing in and save as a JPG file to your dropbox folder. Then upload it to FieldPapers. Edit in the ID editor tracing the outlines of the buildings you drew in.
  2. Take your Field Papers map and visit the Laurel district. Make notes on your paper map about the buildings along MacArthur Boulevard, trees, street signs, traffic signals, parking places, fire hydrants. Also take note of the condition of the sidewalks.
  3. Operating Systems
  4. Read about Open Source
  5. QGIS
    1. Installing QGIS
    2. Playing with the Interface I (DeGroot @ KDMC)
    3. Getting Started with QGIS (DeGroot @ KDMC)
    4. QGIS Edit Vector Maps (DeGroot @ KDMC)
      1. EDIT VECTOR OAKLAND Exercise
    5. Data cleaning and Importing data Importing Data workshop
    6. QGIS Join Data to a Map (DeGroot @ KDMC)
    7. QGIS Set a Color Range Based on Data (DeGroot @ KDMC)
    8. Thematic Maps (1999)
    9. QGIS Add Roads (DeGroot @ KDMC)
    10. QGIS Add Points (DeGroot @ KMDC)
    11. QGIS Simplifying a Map for Web Use (DeGroot @ KMDC)
    12. QGIS Analysis Tools (DeGroot @ KMDC)
    13. QGIS Export for Print (DeGroot @ KDMC)
    14. QGIS Export an Interactive Map (DeGroot @ KDMC)
  6. Cartographic Design Workshop
  7. Projections and Coordinate Systems
    1. Projections quiz.
  9. Relational Databases, joins, relates, etc.
  11. Stats and GIS I
  13. OAKLAND STATS FRAMEWORK (census block group data, simple correlation, categorization 3x3, spatial correlation, heat map)
  14. How to Lie with Maps
  15. Kinds of maps, purposes of maps.
  16. Using maps. Orienteering. Orienting. What's not on the map. Simplification, etc.
  17. Get material from Kraak.
  18. Order ONE GIS Book?
  19. Topography and topographic maps
  20. Topology
  21. How to map time, change, and flows.
  22. Maps and Activism. Obama. Occupy. NSA.
  23. All about copyright, open source, mix culture, etc.
  24. US American Political Geography. The census. States. Congressional districts. Cities.
  25. Sociology of Cities. Urban mapping.
  26. Web mapping.
  27. The US Census
    1. Mills/Oakland Census Exercise I
    2. Census Quiz

8 May What if course based on open source tools?

Lesson one: thinking about (geographic) objects. Continents have names and outlines and contain countries. Etc.
Lesson two: describing space. Compass. Long and lat. Coordinate systems. Scale. Translate. Relative and absolute. Contour lines and elevation.
Lesson three: projections. Hands-on. Paper, glass globe, light. Online gallery of projections. Projections and the lies map tell.
Lesson four: navigation. Reading maps. Orienteering.

Exercise. Draw map of Mills campus. Follow up questions: Who is it for? What's missing? What's included? See