Charts And Diagrams Problems

All data referred to here is in this Excel spreadsheet.1

Reproduce the chart shown in tab "Problem 1"


Reproduce the chart shown in tab "Problem 2"


Comment on the differences between the right and left charts in the tab "Problem 3" and reproduce the chart on the right.


Reproduce the line chart shown


Improve upon the chart in tab "Problem 5"

Consider the charts shown. Reproduce middle of the three. Describe how the last one is made.

Figure x. Hours Per Week on Household Tasks

Women Men Outsourced
Cooking/grocery shopping 15 10 0.5
Laundry 2 1 0.3
House-cleaning 2 2 1
Household repairs 0.3 0.7 0.1
Yard care 0.8 2 0.6
Car care 0.3 0.7 0.1
Finances 1 2 0.03

Source: Sweet and Bumpass (NFSH); new household means with new dataset 0212
Group: respondents with employed non-academic partners, employed academic partners, and academic partners employed outside of the academy.

Caption: Women with employed partners (academic and non-academic) do significantly more household labor than men. “Outsourced” refers to paid labor.
Note: Data are limited to faculty respondents with working partners. We define working partners as those with employed non-academic partners, those with academic partners employed in the academy, and those with academic partners employed outside of the academy. Valid N's are reported for each task from left to right (i.e., cooking/grocery shopping, laundry, house-cleaning, household repairs, yard care, car care, finances). For women, the N's are 2571, 2569, 2557, 2499, 2291, 2483, and 2572. For men, the N's are 3292, 3287, 3244, 3191, 2936, 3181, 3307. All gender differences are statistically significant except that in finances.


Reproduce and improve upon the charts in tab "Problem 8"



  1. Reproduce
  2. Reproduce
  3. Come up with an excellent visualization (scatterplot) of this smoker data.

Tips for Mac users:

  • You cannot paste special as a "metafile." Instead, right click the chart box and select "Save as Picture". Once you have opened Word, Insert>Picture>From File. Select your chart.