7. Sequential vs. Parallel Programming
In-Class exercise demonstrating how parallel program execution works
  1. Run through basics of matrix multiplication
  2. Get very clear about what the algorithm for multiplying two nXn matrices would look like.
  3. Count, together, the number of products and sums and stores involved in simple cases 2x2, 3x3, 4x4.
  4. Now with a 4x4 matrix multiplication assign 4 teams to do the math. Team1 does rows 1 and 2 times columns 1 and 2; team2 does rows 1 and 2 times columns 3 and 4; team3 does rows 3 and 4 times columns 1 and 2; and team4 does rows 3 and 4 and columns 3 and 4.

28 May 2018 00:18