14. Fixing the phone tree
14. Fixing the phone tree
An illustration of linked listsA pregnant couple has set up a phone tree so that news of the birth can be disseminated in the "correct" order (with some people needing to be told before others). A few weeks before the due date, the couple makes super, super good friends with a new couple in the neighborhood and want to add them to the phone tree, right after immediate relatives. Describe what needs to be done.
27 Jun 2018 18:38
Course tags: | Computational Thinking | Human Centered Design | 'Required' Purchase | Recommended Purchase | Request for Library |
In class for CT Session:
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
homework for CT Session:
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
See extra for CT Session:
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Not in class for CT week:
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Not homework for CT week:
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Not extra for CT week:
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Robots and AI | Blockchain | Automation and Control | Seeing Machines | Recognizing Patterns | Flow, Decisions, and Modularity | Spare Session | Wrap Up | Languages | Machines | Sorting and Searching | Pointers, Trees, and Graphs | Information Jigs | Solving Problems with Finesse | Solving Problems with Iteration (aka Pattern Generation) | Counting and Probability | Logic and Boolean Algebra | Welcome and Course Intro |
Go to Course: Computational Thinking | Human Centered Design