Non-academic Work Experience
1/93-8/94 Academic Computing Services, Yale University. Co-founder Humanities Computing Consulting Services.
Developed and implemented user training, communications software, new consulting service, computer solutions to various instructional problems.
9/91-12/93 Yale Computer Center, Statistical Computing Consultant.
6/88-9/88 Software engineer. London, England. Consultant to FXNET project.
Tracked down and repaired software problems that had eluded in-house maintenance staff.
2/87-7/87 Universität Trier, Trier, West Germany.
Taught computer skills to clerical staff in dean's office
9/85-6/87 Synergistic Communications, Inc. Boston/London. System Designer and Programmer on the Foreign Exchange Netting Project.
All phases of project development from high level functional specs to final debugging and ongoing support. Programming in C and VMS layered products on MicroVax IIs.
7/84-1/85 Consultant at Bank of America, London Branch, Marketing Systems Group.
Worked with bank staff to develop, design, test, and implement new database products and dial-up access to financial reports.
9/83-6/84 New College, Sarasota. FL. Admissions Counselor.
Traveled as recruiter and designed and implemented database for applicant tracking.