Quantum Progress Blog

Consider program that say "we are not a computer/technology program, we are an X program, it just turns out that for a lot of the tools we use, you need to know computers/technology."

"Thinking computationally is about learning when to use a computer so solve a problem." I would add "how."

Task: create a photo mosaic. Do it by hand, do it by computer.

Felton report as illustration.

For QP: CT = when to use computer; AlgorithmicT = translating problem to a method a computer could implement; programming = turning algorithm into instructions computer can read. Leads him to four steps

  1. select and pose the right question (CT)
  2. real world > math formulation (AT)
  3. computation (coding)
  4. verification (testing)

Problem example: Shakespearean vocabulary.

Found the Random Team Generator page through this site!

Example: Gender roles with Text Mining and N-Grams by Julia Silge. …use text mining to find all of the verbs following the pronouns he and she in Jane Austen’s works.

Example: Digital History at Rice.