Examples and Such
Examples Around Which to Build Lectures/Workshops
- Sort a hand of cards
- Plan a dinner party
- Build a cellular automata in Excel
- Shakespeare word count
- Image compression / Image processing
- Blockchain
- AI: three person robot
- AI: classroom neural net
- Automation: coffee maker, thermostat, etc.
- Turtle graphics
- Problem solving: Farmer's dilemma
- Problem solving: Sudoko
- Problem solving: Hexagons
- Storing music and images
- Transition matrix for app screens
- Twenty questions: decision trees, flow charts
- Naming things: nomenclature, taxonomy, Linnaeus, URLs, lat long
- Related: identifying plants - botany process
- Mad Libs
- Kordemsky, 1975, puzzle 94
- Towers of Hanoi
- Construct an adventure game.
- Finding things: books in a library, words in a dictionary, memory in your brain
- Song writing, patterns, sonnets, etc.
- String distance. DNA (see http://rosalind.info/problems/hamm/ Rosalind Problems]). Knuth's wordex.
Tag Page With: | abstraction | AI/ML | algorithms | big data | brainstorming | creative listening | data structures | decomposition | design | d3 | everyday life | feedback | higher-ed | innovation | law | liberal arts | logic | Major 21| making | math | models | music | notification book | opinion | pattern recognition | probability | prototyping | rhetoric | soc-of-info | social media | teaching | technology
Course tags: | Computational Thinking | Human Centered Design | Request for Library |
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