Activities And Problems
4. Reverse Mad Libs | 5. Classroom Neural Net | 6. Sequential vs. Parallel Programming | 7. Fun With Watches and Clocks | 8. Three Person Robot Simulation | 9. 1D CA in Excel | 10. Knitting Algorithms | 11. Reverse Engineering a Music Box | 12. Build a 7-segment Controller in Excel | 13. Play Mastermind (Bulls and Cows) | 14. Forms as APIs for Organizations | 15. DIY Ngrams | 16. Turn Your Biography into a Data Structure | 17. Place Holder Activity |
1. Assessing An Algorithm | 2. Planning a Canoe Trip | 3. Abstraction and Cartography | 4. How to Plan a Dinner Party | 5. How to Use the (paper) Dictionary | 6. Word Ladders and Graph Theory | 7. Find the Right Map | 8. Fixing the Phone Tree | 9. Frustration Solitaire | 10. Counting by Cards | 11. Write Code for Turtle Graphics | 12. The Fox, the Corn, and the Goose | 13. Talking Sudoku for Two | 14. Place Holder Problem |
Tag Page With: | abstraction | AI/ML | algorithms | big data | brainstorming | creative listening | data structures | decomposition | design | d3 | everyday life | feedback | higher-ed | innovation | law | liberal arts | logic | Major 21| making | math | models | music | notification book | opinion | pattern recognition | probability | prototyping | rhetoric | soc-of-info | social media | teaching | technology
Course tags: | Computational Thinking | Human Centered Design | Request for Library |
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