Innovation in Organizations, Astro Teller exercise
!Understand Details -> !Delgate -> !Innovation
you don't understand the details [because you don't spend the time] means…
you can't or don't delegate [you don't control exposure when you do delegate] & [you don't create metrics/gates] means…
you don't innovate.
- not understanding the details means guessing about whether or not the innovation is actually innovative
- no exposure control & no metrics/means you can never win outside of the organization's comfort zone
- relies on intuition and that's counterproductive because if the solution were intuitive you would already be doing it
Idea Transplant -> Innovation
analogous ideas lead to innovation in new areas
- connectedness of WWW functionality applied to voice over IP
- page rank functionality applied to a finance network that knows how companies that participate in a market with data about indicators who buy and sell e.g. the network knows which companies lead by indicator and a financial services product can sit on top of that network.
- in higher ed., search results bring back course offering results which connect to non-linear information such as how that course fulfills the searcher's major requirements, classes like that one, classes others who searched for that class actually enrolled in, etc.