
A. Implement something in connection with your "project" area using Leaflet

B. Participate in the class project "Remaking the Campus Map" (see below)

Remaking the Campus Map Tasks

Building Reference Layer

Convert GEOJSON file into Mills Buildings in QGIS, add an abbreviation field and put official abbreviations in each feature. Convert back out to GEOJSON. Here is the file.

Building Information Files

We need a list in Excel (csv) that has building abbreviation, full name, and department/unit and function. There will be more than one row for each building - since some buildings contain more than one department. One source is directory of offices. Another is the existing campus map.

Building Point Layer

Can be built from building polygon layer.

Point Layer of Rooms

Use file below (link [[http://djjr-courses.wikidot.com/local--files/soc128:lab13/Mills_Rooms_xlsx.pdf|here]]) to create a file of points in approximately correct locations.

Point map of ramps and line map of how to get from one place to another with wheel chair?

Figures from trees and shrubs


Point Layer for Offices of Faculty

Offices of academic departments

Stories and pictures of secret places

Building pictures

Look at this collection and get clear on what permissions/sharing issues are.

Other photos on Flickr.

Historic pictures of Mills


bike racks

Tile Sources

Look over Stamen's Tile options.

Color Schemes and

Visit colorbrewer and cook up some options.

Course Schedule with Locations
Buildings with activity by hour and day

Task: Make a buildings point layer indexed by official Mills abbreviations in QGIS and transfer via geoJSON to Leaflet
Task: Point layer for classrooms
Map with drop down menu that let's you select a building or room and then highlights it on the map.
Parking map with capacities? Dynamic map with spaces available?